Monday, December 29, 2008

Freshwater Aquarium Monster Fish Tank Feb 2007

New Vid of Monster Fish Tank taken on Feb 2007

The owner already has spoken...

This tank with all the inhabitants that you see have been survived for more than 2 years. Ammonia has always been zero even after each feeding. Nitrate levels do not shoot above 100ppm as I have denitrators and weekly WC of 50%. My filtration for the setup is of no issue at all. And till date, there has never been any casualties due to filtration issues.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Fish Tank Open Bottom - How Does It Works?

The impression....

This is really incredible, and ingenious. Couple years back when i was like, 15. My dad built me an amazing tank, with clear tubes coming out of it and around my room. So the fish could swim through them, like the tubes in a hamster thing.

Some will say .....

Where does the air go in that top tank? How do you keep pressure balanced to get the air out? I tried this with a large acrylic cylinder, it was a wet mess. How do you keep sediments from collecting?

Just go through this video. You will appreciate.

This tank setup is easy to make. Just take a tallish tank and fill it brimming with water. Form a seal over the bottom part (with a sheet of plastic or rubber) Turn the tank upside down so the open part is facing the pond. Push it into the water, then take away the plastic. The water should stay in the tank. I like that little fountain decoration in the corner, it's very clever.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Setting Up A Large Tropical Freshwater Aquarium

I am just sharing what I found all about the aquariums on the internet. Hopefully it will give you more benefit.

"It looks to me to be about 150 gallons. It is important to note when they say "mature the tank using fishless cycling" they are most likely referring to running the setup without fish for a minimum of 2 weeks. 4 weeks would be better. It is so hard for a fishkeeper to resist introducting fish right away but the fish (and all that hard work) would be jeaporidized if the fish are introduced too soon."

The YouTube channel for the Practical Fishkeeping magazine - the UK's best-selling aquarium magazine and one of the world's largest aquarium websites.

This video is a companion to an article published in Practical Fishkeeping. The article provides greater detail on setting up this aquarium.

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